基本資料 | ||||
姓 名: | 劉生 | 性 別: | 男 | ![]() |
出生年份: | 1974年 | 婚姻狀況: | 已婚 | |
民 族: | 漢 | 政治面貌: | 群眾 | |
畢業(yè)學校: | 湘潭大學 | 所學專業(yè): | ||
最高學歷: | 大學本科 | 工作經驗: | 10年以上 | |
現(xiàn)所在地: | 廣東東莞 | 籍貫: | ||
技術特長: | 良好的建筑,結構設計能力 |
求職意向 | |||
希望從事崗位: | |||
希望工作地區(qū): | 東莞市 | ||
崗位類別: | 幕墻設計師 鋼結構設計師 結構工程師 | 求職狀態(tài): | 隨時 |
是否要求住宿: | 不限 | 月薪要求: | 面議 |
個人簡介 |
在總院工作期間(2010-05~現(xiàn)在),主要從事幕墻結構設計,幕墻構造設計及成本分析(造價)。作為幕墻結構設計負責人,主要負責所有幕墻工程結構設計,保證結構安全。對幕墻結構體系,輕鋼結構,桁架,網架,索結構提出個人獨到的見解和可行性的結構設計方案,熟練掌握結構設計軟件SAP2000/3D3S/ANSYS等),并能借助軟件結合手算完成整套結構設計計算書,同時并獨立完成鋼結構施工圖設計;除此之外,本人并能作構造節(jié)點設計及工程概預算和成本報價。參與的工程項目包括:大連慧谷生態(tài)科技園,金地集團大良天璽花園八棱錐鋼結構會所及鋼結構穹頂,番禺及東莞天安數(shù)碼城,云南移動,中信銀行,中娛影院等。The latest working company is in SADI, as the superervisor of the structure specialist,my major responsibility is to control the structural security of the curtain wall and put forward to some better idea of the facade structure. and meanwhile, be able to complete the structural calculation sheets independently with Mathcad at the aid of the structural analyse software SAP2000/3D3S or anasys;in addition,I also made the design for the details and the cost analysis. 在三鑫工作期間(2008-01 ~ 2010-05),主要從事國外幕墻建筑及結構設計,借助結構設計分析軟件(SAP2000/3D3S/ANSYS),運用英標(BS5950/BS8118),美標(ASTM1300)及澳標(AS1288)等獨立完成整套計算書.同時參與了迪拜公園塔酒店項目的構造設計。參與的設計項目包括:迪拜公園塔酒店(EPTH),新加坡LUMOS門窗幕墻工程,及南美工程。During the working period in San Xin,my major responsibility includes:1.Facade structural design.Details involve analysing and optimize the whole facade structure design,and complete independently the whole calculation sheets with the aid of structural analysis software SAP2000/3D3S or Ansys and BS/ASTM/AS standard. 2.Be able to making the facade details design independently. 德國柏林門窗幕墻創(chuàng)新有限公司BFTI Guang Zhou Office (2006-11 ~ 2007-12):擔任幕墻技術支持工程師職務,負責對德國門窗,幕墻工程所采購的構配件,如玻璃,型材,石材等提供工藝,設計等技術上的支持,并按照歐標進行驗貨,出貨等事宜,此外,在職期間,去德國進行了為期3個月的培訓,使本人對德國幕墻技術有了更深刻的掌握. From 2006.11 to 2007.12,working in BFTI company Guang Zhou Office as a technici-an Engineer,in charge of the technical support of the purchasing of all the co-mponents of door/window/curtain wall such as glass,profile,granite etc,including advising the product processing,and also designing of some details.Inspecting all the products based on European standard,In additional,I stayed in Germany for 3 months training,which makes me better master of German curtain wall skills。 其士集團(鋁&幕墻工程)(2004-12 ~ 2006-10),從事幕墻建筑及結構設計(算力),能獨立完成計算書.同時設計過節(jié)點大樣圖,平,立,剖圖,組合圖,加工圖. From 2004.12-2006.10,working in Cheavalier Group factory,where produces the curtain wall units and aluminium panels,alum windows,alum louvers,etc.My main job includes: 1.Structural design Analyse the structure and optimize the curtain wall scheme,and make the calculation sheets with Mathcad and SAP2000 software with the aid of all kinds of specification,to certify the strength of all the curtain wall system is adequate for working. The system includes: alum panel,glass,sealant,mullion,transom,bracket fixings,and trusses,and so on.The projections I did include those from HK,Australia & Japan. 2.Architectural design Design shop drawings with Autocad software,such as:plan,elevation,section and details,meanwhile,I also make out manufacturing drawings for production line. Nuova Leather Company (2002-08 ~ 2004-10) Working in Nuova Leather company, which is a leather agent for Paramount. Main customers are NINE WEST/ENZO/BANDOLINO/EASY SPIRIT. My main work is to follow up the leather schedule and leather inspection from sales material till CFM swatch signed up and received from customer. My daily work includes: Receiving all the original color reference/swatches from customer(ie: Material dept. from Paramont)for each different brands; Identifying the swatches by comparing them to the existing ones (swatches or masters)and making sure there will be no duplicate colours with the same color names; Organizing all the swatches and feedback to customer if there is any doubt/concern. Creating the color code for different seasons in order to avoid potential confusion for production; Pushing different suppliers for on-time delivery of leathers and updating all the leather delivery status in system (Most suppliers are from India, Brazil & Italy) ;Trying whatever we can to meet with customer requirement (Delivery and quality issue); Handling claims from customer on any quality issue and make the corresponding correction together with leather technician. Providing the master swatches for USA customer every season. 中建五局(1999-08 ~ 2002-07),從事房建,道路現(xiàn)場施工管理工作. From 1999.8-2002.7,working as a supervisor in-the-site for house building and road construction in Bureau No.5 of Chinese Building Engineering. 1995.9-1999.7,就讀于湘潭大學建筑工程工民建專業(yè),同時選修了市政給排水及城市規(guī)劃設計課程. From 1995.9-1999.7,studing in Xiang Tan University,majored in Architecture,in the meantime,I learned other relevant minor subjects. |
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