簡歷編號:14169 查看次數:個人簡歷
基本資料 | ||||
姓 名: | 謝賢春 | 性 別: | 男 | ![]() |
出生年份: | 1983年 | 婚姻狀況: | 已婚 | |
民 族: | 漢 | 政治面貌: | 群眾 | |
畢業學校: | 華中科技大學 | 所學專業: | 建筑工程 | |
最高學歷: | 大專 | 工作經驗: | 10年以上 | |
現所在地: | 廣東東莞 | 籍貫: | 重慶 | |
技術特長: | 對工程的進度能夠全面掌控, |
求職意向 | |||
希望從事崗位: | 項目經理/采購經理 | ||
希望工作地區: | 廣東省 四川省 | ||
崗位類別: | 計劃師/計劃員 項目經理 采購員/經理 | 求職狀態: | 已離職,即刻到崗 |
是否要求住宿: | 不限 | 月薪要求: | 15000~20000 |
工作經歷 |
2004年10月— 至今 2004.10--now 帕馬斯迪利沙幕墻有限公司 【單位性質】: 外商獨資 ( 1000人以上) 【所任職位】: 項目策劃部 策劃主管\生產部專案主管\生產部設計組主管 【工作地點】: 東莞市 【職責描述】: 一. 策劃主管工作職責(Project Planning Supervisor): 1.監督工程進程,協調所有的工程問題并且協助工程的專案處理在工程進行中所遇到的問題。 Follow up the production status and assist the Project Planner to settle down the issues happened. 2. 監督各工程專案的工作及協助專案,并對工程技術方面提供主要的支持。 To provide supporting to project co-coordinator if any necessary, especially taking main responsible for technical issues. 3. 預先查閱大樣圖, 以確工程的特殊要求能預先了解,按大樣圖初步了解工程所需求的材料情況,是否有特殊材料,對工程生產難點及品質控制重點進行討論解決方案。 To review shop drawings in advance to make sure special request shall be understood per drawing request. Upon the shop drawing, make a preliminary materials calculation, discuss and work out a draft proposal regarding the design difficulites and quality control. 4.掌控各工程在合約預算的成本范圍內生產,確定工程的運行方針及工程的范圍核定 Control the project cost within budget and ensure the project process well and on schedule 5.監督各專案工程模型的制作,施工計劃書及工程培訓。 Model set up and production and installation instruction and project training. 6. 審核各工程的報表,如周報表,生產計劃,出貨計劃。以確保工程在要求的進度內完成。 Review and approve all the reports made by Co-or,such as weekly report , Production schedule, Shipment schedule, Material delivery schedule to make sure the project production will be going well and completing on schedule. 7.審核所有與工程相關的文件,如:采購申請單,采購單,生產指令,出貨執行單等。 To check and approve the all the document for the projects, such as purchasing requisition, production release, delivery instruction. 8.審核各工程主要材料的合同及單價. Check and review the material contract & price. 9.定期審核CPR,協同QS進行成本核算,Budget等相關工作。 Reviewing Budget regularly, Assist accounting dept control the budget. 10.制定及安排部門會議,加強各部門的信息溝通, 執行項目經理及上司分派的工作任務。 Arrange the department meeting, strengthen the communication with other department and carry out the instruction issued by Dept. Manager. 11.協助經理增強部門凝聚力和向心力, 協助經理減少部門重要人才流失。 Assist the manager to strengthen the dept concentrated attention, reducing the possibility of key employee’s resign rate. 12.對下屬進行培訓、考核、評定。 Training up sub-ordinates and keep a good sub-ordinates retaining. 二.生產專案主管工作職責(Production Supervisor): 1.預先查閱大樣圖, 以確工程的特殊要求能預先了解。與設計部對大樣圖進行研討,提供便于生產和提升效率的優化方案; To review shop drawings in advance to make sure special request shall be understood per drawing request. To discuss with Technical Dept. for shop drawing during the preliminary stage of project and to seek for better optimized design, which is good for easy production and high efficiency. 2.協同各部門控制工程生產成本,開工前專案負責制定工程機具管位的計劃,并跟進整個制作過程和進度;并確保并監督生產線員工在生產過程中正確、合理使用機具。 The Production Supervisor of Production’s Technical Team is responsible to make a plan of jig with the assistance of the other Production Supervisor, meanwhile,responsible for jig making-up before production start .Die and jig registration are also required to be attached. Ensure all the jigs are correctly and properly used for the projects on line. Other Production Supervisors are also responsible for following up the jig making-up and ensure it is correctly used on the line. If the Production Supervisor of Technical Team is too busy to handle all the projects’ jigs, some of other Production Supervisor should share his job on jigs and responsible for the same work scope as mentioned previously. 3.Mock-up的生產并附總結報告;并跟進確定設計是否更改圖紙。 To build up Mock-up and make Summary Report (The record of drawing revision and material calculation for basic material is also attached.); To follow up and check whether the drawing is revised by Design. 4.各種生產樣板的制作及跟進;(四向交叉、型材及五金配件樣板) To produce & follow up all kings of production sample, eg4-joint samples, sample board of extrusion and hardware parts, etc. 5.協同生產計劃員制定單元板的包裝方式和裝車方式,以方便地盤安裝和節約成本。 To discuss with QA/QC and make up the packing and loading method so as for site’s easy installation and cost saving. 6.開工前與設計、品管商討,根據不同系統的單元板特征共同制定出試做樣板,確定樣板無誤后,方可大量生產。 To make trial samples under the discussion of Design, QA/QC in consideration of different CW system and panel types. Mass production cann’t start until the trial samples are passed. 7.審核各工程的報表,如周報表,生產計劃,出貨計劃。以確保工程在要求的進度內完成。 Review and approve all the reports made by Co-or,such as weekly report , Production schedule, Shipment schedule, Material schedule to make sure the project production will be going well and completing on schedule。 8.負責Mock-up后或生產初期制定各工序生產的規范化或標準化; In the preliminary stage or after mock up built-up, to arrange standard production procedure. 9.若有特殊的材料需要品管制定特殊的檢驗和收貨標準時,生產專案負責在量產前將特殊要求告知品管部,以便品管制定檢驗及對廠商的收貨標準; For special materials if they need special incoming inspection requirement, Production Supervisor is responsible to notify their special requirements to QA/QC before mass production, and QA/QC is responsible to make final incoming inspection standards. 10.在量產前,有義務和權力提出工序的特殊品質要求或方案給品管部,由品管部負責制定工序品質標準;協同品管部解決生產中遇到的品質問題; With the obligation and responsibility to submit special quality requirement or proposal to QA/QC. QA/QC is responsible to make up quality standards for each production procedure. Help to solve quality issue in collaboration with QA/QC. 11.及時傳達并跟進業主對工程的特殊方面的各項要求; Timely forward and follow up the special requirements from the client. 三.生產部設計主管工作職責Production Design Supervisor: 1.工程控制,確保工程按時按質控量完成 To control the project and make sure the project is completed well within the schedule. 2.安排及跟進Team Leader工作事務 To arrange and check and work of the Team Leader. 3.解決Team Leader及組員在工程上遇到的問題 To settle down the problems that the Team leader & other team members meet during the project. 4.與工廠內部各部門協調工程事宜 To communicate & coordinate with other departments, settle down the problem of the project. 5.對所負責的工程的加工圖進行部分的抽檢 To partially check the fab drawing of responsible project. 2003年01月— 2004年09月 映鑫電子廠 Yinxin Electronic Factory 【單位性質】: 中外合資/合作 ( 1000人以上) Company Nature: Joint Venture (above 1000 ppl) 【所任職位】: 生產部 生產副主管 Position: Production Vice Supervisor 【工作地點】: 東莞市 Working Place: Dongguan City 【職責描述】Job Deion: 1.對生產線進行合理安排, Work out a reasonable production line planning 2.對生產效率進行有效控制, Have a good control to the production efficiency 3.對生產中所產生的問題進行處理, Properly solve the issued happen during production 4.對生產產品質量控制, Have a good production quality control 5..對下屬進行培訓、考核、評定。 Training up sub-ordinates and keep a good sub-ordinates retaining. |
個人簡介 |
2012年03月 — 2014年06月 2012.3—2014.6 華中科技大學建筑工程技術專科 本人性格外向,開朗,對待工作積極主動,同時,具有較強的專業理論。 工作認真負責、積極主動、思維嚴謹;具備良好的敬業精神及雷厲風行的工作作風;尊重,團結同事,團隊合作意識強;勇于面對挫折及工作中的壓力,敢于創新,敢于迎接挑戰,敢于承擔責任;能適應不同的工作環境! |
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